Our services that use Access CM are reablement services. We work with service users to increase their level of independence and aim to reduce the level of support that we provide over their time with us. We have a fast turnaround and the average length of time that we have a service user with is about 6 weeks.
The current eMAR functionality to stop a medication works as a “blanket” stop, stopping all medication administration calls for that medication from a selected date and timeslot. As a reablement service, the number of calls we provide to service users can decrease over time. This is either due to the person’s independence increasing and them requiring less support or due to family taking over their care at those times. A service user might have four calls a day, which is reduced to three, then two then one. If the person has an eMAR in place, the current functionality does not allow us to create a single stop for that series of calls only, e.g. the person’s spouse takes over their PM call and we need to cease the eMAR but only for the PM set of calls. Do to this currently, we have to end the eMAR for each medication involved in the PM calls and then re-create the eMAR, getting it checked and authorised again. This is an inefficient way for us to do this as it can be lengthy and require a visit to a service user to check their medication and needs a second person to authorise the eMAR. Currently, the eMAR is sometimes left running with blank calls because this is easier than trying to recreate it again.
We would like to propose an additional option in the Stop Medication pop up. This would hopefully allow you to select which administration calls you wish to place the stop on. This could be “All, AM, Lunch, Tea, PM”. Then you would select the calls you need the stop to be placed on. As opposed to the current blanket stop, you would be able to tailor the stop more specifically for the service user's needs.
Otherwise, we have to either leave the eMAR blank (which makes auditing more challenging as we need to audit all the charts even if they are blank) or recreate it from scratch which is not efficient. Due to the high rate of turnover, having to recreate eMAR charts multiple times for every service user across their reablement journey means that it takes considerable time for our staff.
Customer Challenge
The impact of this currently is that the way the system functions is labour intensive and time heavy for our staff. Due to our high turnover rate, the current way of re-creating eMAR by ceasing all medication calls and reinstating the ones you need and having it authorised again is inefficient. |
Business Case
We think this piece of functionality would be helpful for all users of Access CM. Frequency of medication doses will change for many service users, not just those who are on a reablement pathway. This would be beneficial for reablement services specifically. The current functionality is lengthy and could be improved for all users. |
We understand the request, and we will open this idea up for voting to understand the priority.