We need to our front line staff within our extra care service to be able to access client records and add notes against clients that are not assigned to them. Often interactions or had between clients and care staff in communal areas that need to be recorded. At the moment there is no facility to do this. Having a duplicate copy of the QR to scan in communal areas would impact on service user charges. There is too much information on client manager to provide front line care staff access to add notes. Would like a way of staff being able to access the system to add client notes without having full access to client manager
Customer Challenge
We need to our front line staff within our extra care service to be able to access client records and add notes against clients that are not assigned to them. Often interactions or had between clients and care staff in communal areas that need to be recorded. At the moment there is no facility to do this. Having a duplicate copy of the QR to scan in communal areas would impact on service user charges. There is too much information on client manager to provide front line care staff access to add notes. Would like a way of staff being able to access the system to add client notes without having full access to client manager |
Business Case
Need the staff to be able to add updates to the system to ensure there is a full record on the system of the persons journey. Inefficient to have to request office staff on care staff's behalf. |
The idea we are presenting, that we believe will meet your requirements, is for the Care Workers to have access to all Clients via CM Mobile to view/add notes. The only caveat we can currently see, we believe the Carer will have to be online to search for the client.
We will open this idea up for voting to understand the priority.
The issue we have with CM Mobile is that without using a QR Code or NFC Tag we cannot add or view notes. We are referring to adding notes outside of clients properties (Extra Care unit where clients have interactions with staff in communal areas that need to be recorded) There are 1 main issue with using a duplicate QR code in these locations to record interactions in that this will show as a visit and add to reports for actuals and impact on service user charging. We have discussed this with Clare Greenall who suggested adding to ideas portal to be able to lock client portal down for front line staff to access but only add notes however ideally we would like a way for front line to go into cm mobile and add/view notes against a client who isnt assigned to them without this impacting on charging - happy to have a conversation to explore this further if required.
CM mobile is designed to cater for front line staff requirements, is the ask you would need the ability for CM mobile users to access any Client record so they are able to add relevant notes.